DWI Lawyer


I was facing my second DUI along with a refusal and an array of other charges, 5 all together. I happen to be looking on this site (AVVO reviews) that I am writing this review on, in search of an attorney that wouldn’t just take my money like my first DUI I faced. I happened […]

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DUI Attorney near me

New Breath Test Device For NJ

Since 2008, breath testing in New Jersey for evidential purposes in DWI cases has been conducted with the Drager Alcotest 7110 MK III-C. Recently, the New Jersey Attorney General conceded that the State could not comply with requirements set by the New Jersey Supreme Court to ensure reliable breath testing in DWI cases. Accordingly, the […]

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Make the first great choice by choosing Peter Lederman.

I could write a book about how grateful I am for finding Peter Lederman. I was facing a 2nd DUI with refusal, and reckless. This means 2-4 years no driving along with expensive fines, possible jail time and major insurance increases upon license reinstatement. This speaks nothing of the social stigma or shame that comes […]

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DUI & Leaving The Scene of An Accident in New Jersey

Look no further than Peter Lederman when it comes to DUI! He is pricier than others but he is without a doubt worth every penny. I did a lot of research online which led me to Mr. Lederman. I met with him and also a few other attorneys, but none of them gave me the […]

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DWI and Refusal Dismissed

I thought the world was going to end when I got pulled over for DWI/Refusal. My wife and I did some research and met with Peter. We hired him on the spot. Yes, he was a bit more expensive but he is worth every penny. Peter is tough but kind, there were a few times […]

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