DWI Attorney

Some Questions & Answers

People ask us the same questions all the time.   I live in Pennsylvania, how does a DWI in NJ affect me? If this is your first offence in the State of NJ, Pennsylvania will not suspend your license.  You cannot drive in New Jersey while you are under the DWI charges in New Jersey, […]

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If I am found guilty, can I drive to work?

In a word, the answer to this question is NO. Notwithstanding the fact that 36 States including New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia allow such licenses, the Court and the Motor Vehicle Commission of New Jersey cannot and will not issue any “work” or “conditional” license during a period of […]

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What is the Role of a DWI Defense Attorney in Alcohol Treatment?

By Peter. H. Lederman, Esq. An attorney can perform an important role in involving alcohol-related issues when representing a defendant in a DWI prosecution. The DWI defense attorney is generally the first professional person who comes into contact with the accused after arrest. He or she is also a person who deals with alcohol-related issues […]

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When should I retain a DWI attorney?

New Jersey requires that DWI cases be resolved within 60 days of the issuance of the summons. Therefore, it is essential that you seek legal services as soon as possible in order to insure that your case is properly prepared when called for trial. The sooner you act then, the better chance your attorney will […]

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Why hire a DWI attorney?

By Peter H. Lederman, Esq. There are many reasons why a Defendant should retain an attorney who will provide effective representation when a Defendant has been charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in New Jersey. Obviously, there are thousands of dollars in fines and surcharges which must be paid upon conviction. The DWI insurance surcharge […]

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Where to Get Help for Drinking Problems in NJ

There are many organizations which provide help to people who have a substance abuse problem. Many agencies and professional counselors will assist in screening to help determine whether some program is necessary and the type of program that would be most useful. Alcoholics Anonymous, aka. AA, is commonly available throughout the state. The State of […]

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