DWI Lawyer

The Best There Is!

After a 3rd offense and a refusal they had no idea what to do with themselves; with the help of Lederman and all the services he offers, the sentence was significantly reduced. Read more to find out about the magic Mr.Lederman can work.

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dwi lawyer in new jersey


Shelter can be a good thing under most circumstances. That is, however, unless driving home after consuming some adult beverage! Read about pulling over when intoxicated in New Jersey – are you safely off the road or operating a vehicle under the influence?

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DWI Expungement Lawyer

Current New Jersey Expungement Law

Need a second chance? Are you one of the thousands of people a year in the State of New Jersey who have been arrested and/or convicted of an Ordinance Violation, Disorderly Persons Offense, or Indictable Offense? If so, you may be at a serious disadvantage in obtaining or keeping your employment and/or professional license or […]

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DWI Lawyer

A Miracle Man

I will never forget Mr. Lederman’s last words after walking out of court. Mr. Lederman put one hand on my shoulder and said, “Son, I hope you have learned how tough you are through this experience. It’s not easy and nor should it be. You made an irresponsible decision and will be accountable for it. […]

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“The Best Possible Outcome”

Facing a tough case they turned to the best choice they had, Peter Lederman. With his personal and professional advice in and out of the court room Lederman helps all. Read more to find out how the case was settled.

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