One individual who found a way to dispense justice with mercy and humility for years, in Monmouth County Municipal Courts, is retired Judge Mark Apostolou.
Category Archives: News
Recent, trending news about New Jersey DWI laws, Municipal Courts, and the law firm of Davison, Eastman, Muñoz, Lederman & Paone.
Municipal Court Hearings Sometimes Become Endurance Events
Municipal court hearings in New Jersey sometimes become endurance events of their own when attorneys are thrust into hearings late at night at the direction of the court.
Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C Breath Test Program Discontinued in 2016
The New Jersey Attorney General recently represented to the New Jersey Supreme Court that it would be discontinuing use of the Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C breath test program in 2016, less than ten years after the program commenced and after tens of millions of dollars have been spent. The State has represented to the Supreme Court […]
I Witnessed an Execution
The article “I Witnessed an Execution” is an argument for diversionary programs for some DWI offenders.
The Problem with Stealth
Police use of high-tech devices raises profound questions about the ability of individuals in a free society to flourish, no less survive, when under constant observation by the state.
New Jersey State Bar Association 2015 Convention
NJSBA EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT On May 14, 2015 I am speaking again at the State Bar Convention as part of the Municipal Court Section Bench-Bar presentation. This seminar involves Judges, Prosecutors and Defense attorneys who discuss the most pressing issues facing the Municipal Courts of New Jersey. As might be imagined, a lively discussion arises from […]
Interlock Devices Bill
Updates on Interlock Devices April 2015 – The possibility of significant revision to the New Jersey statute involving Driving While Intoxicated, took an abrupt turn at the last moment, when Governor Christie conditionally vetoed amendments to the DWI law which had been adopted by the Assembly and Senate. The legislation provided for continued driving privileges […]
Sausage and Statutes: People shouldn’t see how either is made
Sausage and Statutes is a critique of a proposed New Jersey law centering on expanded use of BAIIDs or “breath alcohol interlock ignition devices.”
Gravity: An analogy as to why a unified court system is necessary
Published in the New Jersey Law Journal, Peter Lederman wrote “Gravity” as an analogy to discuss why a unified court system is necessary.
Whither Municipal Courts?
In the article Whither Municipal Courts, Peter Lederman discusses why we should consider incorporating them into a unified system in New Jersey.