Look no Further for a DWI Attorney

Anyone seeking representation for DUI and/or DWI in New Jersey would be making a huge mistake by retaining anyone other than Mr. Lederman. His handling of my case went beyond my expectations and then some. DWI charges are a serious matter, and you can’t risk having anyone in your corner without the professionalism knowledge that […]

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Candid Camera, Police Style

As an attorney defending drivers in DWI cases, I look to the video, whether mobile, body cam, in-station or from a pole outside a 7-Eleven store, to find out what really happened.

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Best NJ DWI Attorney

Do The Right Thing

A proposed senate bill would create a diversionary program for certain defendants charged with DWI; is adopting it the right thing to do? By Peter Lederman, Esq. Published in the New Jersey Law Journal Do the right thing! That’s what is expected of us. It’s not always the easiest thing to do. Sometimes it’s the […]

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