Piscataway New Jersey DWI lawyer near me


Recently in this column, I put forward the proposition that Municipal Courts, as we have  come to know them, have changed dramatically with Covid and common internet use and that these changes would permanently affect the very nature of how these courts operate going forward.

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dui lawyer in new jersey

New Testimonial on AVVO

“We all make mistakes, and I made one back in December 2019. After the holiday party with my friends, I drove home, not realizing I had to drink more than I should.”

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DWI Lawyer near me Woodbridge NJ

Covid-19 Update

As the Coronavirus pandemic seemingly winds down, New Jersey Municipal courts are starting to ramp up activity if only on a limited basis.

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criminal lawyer near me


December 1, 2019 marked the date that sentencing provisions for most DWI offenses changed. These changes eliminated the penalty of drivers’ license suspension in favor of Interlock installation for most first and second DWI offenses.

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DWI Attorney

Some Questions & Answers

People ask us the same questions all the time.   I live in Pennsylvania, how does a DWI in NJ affect me? If this is your first offence in the State of NJ, Pennsylvania will not suspend your license.  You cannot drive in New Jersey while you are under the DWI charges in New Jersey, […]

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