Mr. Lederman received an email testimonial from one of his clients this past weekend stating what Peter has done for him and his future.
Tag Archives: New Jersey
Inside NJ municipal courts remade by the COVID-19 pandemic
During a normal session, most New Jersey municipal courts are bustling places.
Judges whirl through cases at something approaching auctioneer speed.
New Testimonial on AVVO
“We all make mistakes, and I made one back in December 2019. After the holiday party with my friends, I drove home, not realizing I had to drink more than I should.”
Up in a Puff…
Seemingly, in a puff, the New Jersey Municipal Court system came crashing down as a result of a confluence of events. Taken by themselves, these events had little to do with the ministrations of the Courts.
Covid-19 Update
As the Coronavirus pandemic seemingly winds down, New Jersey Municipal courts are starting to ramp up activity if only on a limited basis.
December 1, 2019 marked the date that sentencing provisions for most DWI offenses changed. These changes eliminated the penalty of drivers’ license suspension in favor of Interlock installation for most first and second DWI offenses.
Annual DWI Seminar
Read about new laws that will impact DWI trials.
Who among us have not failed. Every one of my clients have. Friends and family members, lawyers with whom I have practiced, people I know and people I don’t, have. I look at myself each morning and see someone who has failed many times. The most fortunate of us however, learn from our mistakes and […]
Retaining Driving Privileges after DWI Conviction
The New Jersey Supreme Court recently decided when a defendant could retain their driving privileges even after conviction for DWI.
Field Sobriety Testing: Intro
Field sobriety testing for DWI is a crucial element in DWI prosecution and defense. Initially, field sobriety testing serves as the best method by which an investigating officer can ascertain whether the “reasonable cause” referred to in NJSA 39:4-50.4 exists, which in turn […]