Best DWI Attorney Bridgewater NJ

Slip Slidin’ Away

By Peter H. Lederman   Paul Simon wrote a catchy, yet profound song back in the 70s about how we sometimes get so far, but then somehow, well, never make it to the end. “Slip slidin’ away, slip slidin’ away … you know the nearer your destination, the more you’re slip slidin’ away.” I suppose […]

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Piscataway New Jersey DWI lawyer near me


Recently in this column, I put forward the proposition that Municipal Courts, as we have  come to know them, have changed dramatically with Covid and common internet use and that these changes would permanently affect the very nature of how these courts operate going forward.

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dui lawyer in new jersey

New Testimonial on AVVO

“We all make mistakes, and I made one back in December 2019. After the holiday party with my friends, I drove home, not realizing I had to drink more than I should.”

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Covid-19 Update

As the Coronavirus pandemic seemingly winds down, New Jersey Municipal courts are starting to ramp up activity if only on a limited basis.

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December 1, 2019 marked the date that sentencing provisions for most DWI offenses changed. These changes eliminated the penalty of drivers’ license suspension in favor of Interlock installation for most first and second DWI offenses.

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Peter Lederman Best New Jersey DUI Attorney


Who among us have not failed. Every one of my clients have. Friends and family members, lawyers with whom I have practiced, people I know and people I don’t, have. I look at myself each morning and see someone who has failed many times. The most fortunate of us however, learn from our mistakes and […]

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New Jersey Municipal Courts DWI Lawyer


Thirty-eight years after the comprehensive reformation, reorganization and modernization of the New Jersey judicial system, the Municipal Court Judicial Conference took a long look at the Municipal Court system based upon the report of the Supreme Court’s Task Force on the Improvement of Municipal Courts. Keynoting the Conference, Chief Justice Robert Wilentz commented on the project’s importance, stating that, “despite the importance of these courts, their performance has fallen short of our standards of fair and efficient justice.

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dwi lawyer in new jersey


Shelter can be a good thing under most circumstances. That is, however, unless driving home after consuming some adult beverage! Read about pulling over when intoxicated in New Jersey – are you safely off the road or operating a vehicle under the influence?

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