Marijuana DUI Lawyer Peter Lederman New Jersey


With the recent legislative enactments legalizing the use, possession, and sale of marijuana, many of our clients have asked how these laws will impact DWI defense in New Jersey.

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dui lawyer in new jersey

New Testimonial on AVVO

“We all make mistakes, and I made one back in December 2019. After the holiday party with my friends, I drove home, not realizing I had to drink more than I should.”

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Round Icon FAQs

Some Questions & Answers

People ask us the same questions all the time.   I live in Pennsylvania, how does a DWI in NJ affect me? If this is your first offence in the State of NJ, Pennsylvania will not suspend your license.  You cannot drive in New Jersey while you are under the DWI charges in New Jersey, […]

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Field Sobriety Testing: Intro

Field sobriety testing for DWI is a crucial element in DWI prosecution and defense. Initially, field sobriety testing serves as the best method by which an investigating officer can ascertain whether the “reasonable cause” referred to in NJSA 39:4-50.4 exists, which in turn […]

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Field Sobriety Testing: Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus

The police officer is trained in the New Jersey State Police DWI\Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Course to ideally utilize a penlight at roadside to assist in the administration and observation of potential Nystagmus in the suspect’s eyes. Use of a flashlight is not recommended due to the probability of casting of shadows which will make […]

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