I’m excited to announce that I’ll be speaking at the National College for DWI Defense Winter Meeting in Fort Worth, Texas, this January.
Tag Archives: New Jersey
Many of my clients think that DWIs only involve alcohol intoxication.
Recent Important Changes in DWI Law
Many important changes are occurring in DWI law. It is important that you have good information concerning these changes so that good decisions can be made.
Anyone fortunate enough to have visited downtown Stewart, Florida probably had the misfortune of passing through what is known as the “Confusion Corner” in the center of town.
New Breath Test Machine in NJ
The State of New Jersey has begun implementation of a new breath test device which may eventually be used throughout the State of New Jersey to determine Blood Alcohol Content in DWI cases.
Major change is coming to New Jersey’s DWI cases
Major changes are occurring in the New Jersey dwi world which will profoundly change the impact of how dwi complaints will be defended and resolved throughout the State.
With the recent legislative enactments legalizing the use, possession, and sale of marijuana, many of our clients have asked how these laws will impact DWI defense in New Jersey.
Slip Slidin’ Away
By Peter H. Lederman Paul Simon wrote a catchy, yet profound song back in the 70s about how we sometimes get so far, but then somehow, well, never make it to the end. “Slip slidin’ away, slip slidin’ away … you know the nearer your destination, the more you’re slip slidin’ away.” I suppose […]
Seminar Testimonial
This is a comment from one of Mr. Lederman’s colleagues after a seminar he gave on March 18th 2021. “You have not only devoted your life to represent DWI defendants, but you have spent much time educating other lawyers. I just wanted you to know that we appreciate the commitment you have made.”
Recently in this column, I put forward the proposition that Municipal Courts, as we have come to know them, have changed dramatically with Covid and common internet use and that these changes would permanently affect the very nature of how these courts operate going forward.