DUI Attorney near me

False Certifications of Alcotest Devices Under Review

A number of prior clients have recently contacted our office after receiving letters from the County Prosecutor’s office. These letters informed them that a New Jersey State Trooper from the Alcohol Drug Test Unit, had been suspended from the State Police and criminally indicted for falsely certifying that Alcotest breath test devices he had inspected, […]

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DWI Lawyer

In A Perfect World

OP-ED: The recommendations of the Subcommittee on Judicial Independence in the New Jersey Municipal Courts will not do enough to remedy systemic problems.

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New Jersey DUI Lawyer

Select Your DWI Attorney as Soon as Possible

by Peter Lederman, Esq. When you have received a Summons for Driving While Intoxicated, it’s important to retain the right lawyer. This should be someone who knows the law, thoroughly understands police DWI investigative procedures such as field sobriety testing, breath testing, and blood testing, understands what it takes to achieve the client’s goal and […]

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What’s going on here!

Recently I have had many “what’s going on here” moments. If you follow the news, you know what I mean. But some of those thoughts come to mind with regard to New Jersey Municipal Courts.

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