Look No Further for a New Jersey DWI Attorney


Anyone fortunate enough to have visited downtown Stewart, Florida probably had the misfortune of passing through what is known as the “Confusion Corner” in the center of town.

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Best DWI Attorney Bridgewater NJ

Slip Slidin’ Away

By Peter H. Lederman   Paul Simon wrote a catchy, yet profound song back in the 70s about how we sometimes get so far, but then somehow, well, never make it to the end. “Slip slidin’ away, slip slidin’ away … you know the nearer your destination, the more you’re slip slidin’ away.” I suppose […]

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Piscataway New Jersey DWI lawyer near me


Recently in this column, I put forward the proposition that Municipal Courts, as we have  come to know them, have changed dramatically with Covid and common internet use and that these changes would permanently affect the very nature of how these courts operate going forward.

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Lakewood NJ Municipal Court DWI Lawyer

Up in a Puff…

Seemingly, in a puff, the New Jersey Municipal Court system came crashing down as a result of a confluence of events. Taken by themselves, these events had little to do with the ministrations of the Courts.

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DWI Lawyer near me Woodbridge NJ

Covid-19 Update

As the Coronavirus pandemic seemingly winds down, New Jersey Municipal courts are starting to ramp up activity if only on a limited basis.

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