Piscataway New Jersey Municipal Courts DWI Lawyer


Thirty-eight years after the comprehensive reformation, reorganization and modernization of the New Jersey judicial system, the Municipal Court Judicial Conference took a long look at the Municipal Court system based upon the report of the Supreme Court’s Task Force on the Improvement of Municipal Courts. Keynoting the Conference, Chief Justice Robert Wilentz commented on the project’s importance, stating that, “despite the importance of these courts, their performance has fallen short of our standards of fair and efficient justice.

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United States Supreme Court – Missouri v. McNeely

Most New Jersey DWI law comes from Appellate Division decisions, sometimes from our Supreme Court. Rarely do they come from the United States Supreme Court. Missouri v. McNeely, which was recently argued before the United States Supreme Court, is an exception to this generalization. In this case, a blood sample was taken from a defendant […]

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Crawford v. Washington

Lawyer Resources An important line of New Jersey cases has also arisen as a result of the United State Supreme Court decision in a matter entitled Crawford v. Washington. The Crawford case requires the State of New Jersey to produce witnesses to prove “testimonial” aspects of criminal prosecutions, so that a Defendant’s sixth Amendment right […]

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Proposed NJ DWI Legislation

In 2007 two bills considered by the Committee, would hopefully improve the condition of Driving While Intoxicated law. Firstly, the Committee considered a bill which would require clarification of the statement which must be read to defendants before they are asked to submit to the breath test. This statement, commonly referred to as Paragraph 36, […]

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