DWI Lawyer Red Bank NJ

DWI lawyer Red Bank NJ

When you need a DWI lawyer experienced in Red Bank New Jersey.

If you find yourself in need of an attorney experienced in Red Bank, New Jersey’s court for DWI, contact Peter Lederman immediately; a highly experienced attorney who has been defending DWI cases for over 35 years.

Red Bank’s location carries heavy traffic

Red Bank, New Jersey is only 25 miles from New York located on the Navesink River. It’s the area’s original transportation route to the ocean and ports. They offer free Music, Fitness, and Movies in the Park. Red Bank is active and busy. The area draws a good deal of crowds so traffic can be congested and the police are vigilant to look for those driving under the influence.

Being arrested for a DWI is very serious, so don’t settle on just any representation.

If you are charged with driving under the influence, it is critical that you hire an experienced DWI lawyer. There is no room to even think about going it alone.

Red Bank

Red Bank Municipal Court

90 Monmouth Street
1st Floor
Red Bank, NJ 07701

Take your defense seriously, ask for one of the DWI attorneys of Lomurro Law for your DWI/DUI defense in Red Bank.

Contact Our DWI Attorneys for Your DWI/DUI Defense
Call 732-414-0300