DWI Lawyer Marlboro NJ

DWI lawyer for Marlboro municipal court

Charged with a DWI/DWI in Marlboro? You need an experienced DWI Attorney

Since the town’s incorporation back in 1848 when it was a rural area it has grown into a suburban area. The population increase to some 30,000 residents. With improved roads and faster, smoother riding cars driving drunk becomes more complicated a situation than ever. The Marlboro are paying particular attention to stopping drunk drivers.

If you are pulled over for drunk driving, the Marlboro police department conducts a standardized field sobriety test for a blood alcohol level over the legal limit of 0.08%, and also a blood alcohol percentage of 0.08% or above. Someone with a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.08% or higher is considered legally intoxicated which can lead to a DWI charge.

The DWI DEFENSE TEAM of lawyers from Davison Eastman Muñoz Lederman & Paone brings an exemplary record of experience in defending DWI charges in New Jersey. This is particularly valuable to you in the Marlboro Township Municipal Court system.

A Few Things to Consider:

  • Plea bargains are prohibited by law.
  • Any special agreement to allow you to drive to and from work will not happen.
  • DWI cases are decided by a judge and not a jury.
  • Your license can be suspended.
  • You can be fined up to $1,000 when convicted of intoxicated driving.
  • Interlock ignition devices may be involved.
  • If you’ve had a number of DUI arrests, the penalties you receive can increase.

Don’t underestimate the problem:

Driving drunk is considered a very serious violation in Marlboro, New Jersey. A Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) conviction will result in significant consequences and numerous penalties. Therefore, the urgency is a crucial element in your defense and to protect yourself and your rights.


Marlboro Township, NJ

Marlboro Town Hall for DWI municiple court

Marlboro Township Municipal Court

1979 Township Drive
Marlboro Township, NJ 07746

Phone:(732) 536-0300

The Marlboro Municipal Court has jurisdiction over all traffic matters that occur within the boundary of Marlboro Township, as well as all disorderly persons offenses and Township ordinance violations. It has all the functions, powers, duties and jurisdictions conferred upon municipal courts by the provisions of N.J.S.A 2A:8-1.

more info on www.marlboro-nj.gov


Take your defense seriously, ask for one of the DWI attorneys of Lomurro Law for your DWI/DUI defense in Marlboro.

Contact Our DWI Attorneys for Your DWI/DUI Defense
Call 732-414-0300