DWI Lawyer Practicing in Cherry Hill, NJ
A Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) charge is a serious offense in New Jersey. The Cherry Hill New Jersey County Municipal Courthouse may impose mandatory fines, surcharges, community service, interlock devices, driver’s license suspensions, permanent records of conviction and in some cases mandatory jail. It is imperative that you hire an experienced DWI lawyer to defend you in the Cherry Hill municipal court system.
Experienced DWI Lawyer with Experience in Cherry Hill
Peter Lederman is one of the DWI attorneys from the law offices of Lomurro Law. He has been defending DWI and DUI cases in Cherry Hill and throughout Camden County, New Jersey for over 35 years.
Testimonial from a successful DWI Case in Cherry Hill, New Jersey
“I was very pleased with Peter Lederman. Everything was explained, very much in detail, as to what was going to happen. I was assisted every step through conviction with sentencing of no jail time. I was very pleased.” ~ from Cherry Hill, NJ
820 Mercer St.
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
(856) 488-7850
Cherry Hill
Municipal Court
Take your defense seriously, ask for one of the DWI attorneys of Lomurro Law for your DWI/DUI defense in Cherry Hill.
Contact Our DWI Attorneys for Your DWI/DUI Defense
Call 732-414-0300